Excellent experience in Installation, managing, troubleshooting, and controlling JBoss [EAP, WildFly], Tomcat, Apache, Nginx, MQ, WebSphere application servers.
Must have experience in Installation, configuration, and managing Control-M servers and components.
Good knowledge in Installation, managing, troubleshooting, and controlling at IIS, WebLogic Application Servers.
Good knowledge at Cloud environments (OCI/GCP/AWS).
Experience in supporting Java based RESTful APIs and Portals, Application servers.
Extensive experience in Configuration, Performance Tuning, Upgrade and implementing high availability feature for Apache, Tomcat, WebSphere Application Server, JBoss Application Server and WebLogic.
Experience of troubleshooting and issue resolution for middleware technologies like Apache, Tomcat, JBoss, WebSphere Application Server, WebLogic and IIS.
Experience in implementing the end-to-end SSL configurations, certificates storing, keystore management, protocol assigning and blocking for JBoss, Tomcat, WebSphere Application Server, Apache and IIS.
Experience in application deployments on JBoss, Tomcat, WebSphere Application Server, Apache and IIS.
Good experience running, deploying, managing, and administrating Kubernetes, Dockers, OpenShift environments.
strong fundamental understanding of cloud hosting infrastructures.
Experience with OpenShift system integration, Infrastructure as a service and Cloud knowledge.
Experience with system configuration tools including Ansible, Shell scripting, Bamboo and CI/CD Tools.
Experience working with Linux, Windows, VMWare vSphere.
Strong Red Hat Linux OS knowledge.
Utilizes version control tools like GIT, Bitbucket.
Good working experience in migration projects from on-prem to cloud and vice-versa.
Excellent experience in managing, installing, administrating, tunning, and troubleshooting clusters for applications servers in scope with the ability to provide extensive caching implementations and managing load balancing activities.
The ability to run patches for the applications severs, monitoring tools, application deployments
Familiarity with scripting languages and automation frameworks is highly desirable.
Experience with multiple monitoring tools like Prometheus, IBM Instana, Grafana, Dynatrace on-prem, Dynatrace SaaS, Data-Dog, Java Melody.
Coding experience in Java, C#, Python, is a plus.
Experience - SQL -Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, NoSQL, etc. and excellent experience in managing datastores and DB connections and troubleshooting performance issues.
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